Make the Manolo the #1 Hoffster!

Manolo says, it is rare for the Manolo to seek assistance, as he prides himself on his self-sufficiency, but now there is something he desires so desperately that he comes before his internet friends and asks them for the favor. What the Manolo ardently desires is to be named the #1 Hoffster by the peoples at the St. Martins Press. The #1 Hoffster is the official #1 internet fan of the magnificent multi-talented genius David Hasselhoff, and if the Manolo does not qualify for that, who does? To that end, the Manolo now asks you, his close internet friends, to…


Don’t Hassle the Hoff Week!

Manolo says, finally! The holiday the Manolo can celebrate with complete abandon! Don’t Hassel the Hoff Week! As with every holiday, there is a beginning, an end, and various traditions to abide by. DHH week will kick off this coming week, partially celebrating the release of David Hasselhoff’s autobiography “Don’t Hassel The Hoff”, and will be in effect for 7 days afterwards. You are urged to participate, mostly due to peer-pressure. If you have a website and will be celebrating this glorious holiday, we implore you to send us a link to a page on your site demonstrating your practice…


The Artist Stumbles

Manolo says, yes, it is the mighty Hasselhoff shirtless and intoxicated. The Manolo asks you, which great artist has not also been tormented by his demons? Among many artistic geniuses drink seems to be the preferred method of placating these demons, drink and the occasional bare-chested cheeseburger. Clearly, the Hasselhoff is in excellent company.


Don’t Hassel the Hoff!

Manolo says, the Manolo’s super fantastic librarian friend Kim has just alerted him to the impending arrival of perhaps the first great literary masterpiece of the 21st century! Here, from the publisher, is the description of this magnum opus. The Los Angeles Times called him a “counterculture icon,” and TV Guide dubbed him one of “TV’s Ten Most Powerful Stars,” but true aficionados simply call him “The Hoff.” Don’t Hassel the Hoff follows David Hasselhoff’s phenomenal career, from his earliest childhood role in Peter Pan to his latest adventure, starring in Mel Brooks’s Tony award-winning musical, The Producers. There is…


Look Out!

Manolo says, even when very young, the master thespian Hasselhoff had total command of his instrument. P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend Christina for finding this important artifact.


El Coche Super Fantastico!

Manolo says, ayyyyyyyy! The K.I.T.T. is for sale! KITT, the flame-throwing, river-jumping, talking muscle car from the `80s TV show “Knight Rider,” is up for sale. Restored to its debut-season glory, the modified black 1982 Pontiac Trans Am is offered at $149,995 at a Dublin auto dealership. Johnny “Vette” Verhoek of Kassabian Motors has had the car, officially called Knight Industries Two Thousand, on display for about a month. It is one of four documented “camera cars” used for close-up shots and scenes where David Hasselhoff, who played Michael Knight in the series, was behind the wheel. Although it cannot…


He is Comfortable in His Celebrity!

Manolo says, Look! the Hasselhoff he is comfortable in his celebrity! Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend the Sarah!


Hoff Broadway

Manolo says, Filled with enormous amounts of the high-grade testosterone, the glorious and manly Hasselhoff obviously does not look very much like the woman. Although, the Manolo will say, that the Hoff is nonetheless much the more convincing than this person. P.S. Many thanks to the Manolo’s internet friend the Lisa for the link!


The Big Comeback

Manolo says, the Magnificent Hasselhoff is given the award for the “Big Comeback”? But he never went away!



Manolo says, if you had produced the masterwork as supreme as Jump in My Car, you too would pose in such the confident manner. Behold, the Hoffian magnus opus.. Which may only be compared in quality to this powerful masterpiece below. Mira! Here’s more news from the Fathers Ted and Dougal.


Help the Hoff

Manolo says, the magnificent Hasselhoff he is looking for the new chick! Former Baywatch star David Hasselhoff is refusing to allow his recent divorce get him down – he already has plans to find a new “chick”. Hasselhoff divorced from his wife of 16 years, Pamela Bach, last month. But now the 54-year-old is searching for his ideal partner, and she must be clever. He says, “I’m coming to England in September and I want to find myself a beautiful girlfriend. But I don’t want some dumb blonde. I’d like a woman who’s really intelligent. “I saw this girl recently…


Snark Hoff

Manolo says, Ayyyyyy! The Manolo’s internet friends at the very funny Snarkywood have snarked the Manolo’s beloved Hasselhoff .