Up All Night to Get Lucky
Manolo says, because, sometimes, even the Russians are amusing.
Manolo says, because, sometimes, even the Russians are amusing.
I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing cobblers glue. I’m in Virginia now, and although the worst seems to be over, the whole DC Metro area got pounded like British currency. My fella, Hot Latin Boy, is holding down the fort at Plumcake Cottage in Baja, Mexico where a previously inactive volcano has started to be less inactive as one might hope. Frankly I’m just one Aimee Mann song away from that crazy scene in Magnolia and I’m pretty sure my wiper blades won’t be able to take it. I’ve got this weird survivalist streak that means my hatches…
Manolo says, “Her life is only as fabulous as her Facebook photos make it look.”
Manolo says, the other day, on the Facebook, the Manolo was complaining about the samey-sameness of most of the stylebloggers. The Manolo must have looked at 20,000 style blogs over the past few days, some of them exceedingly popular, and all of them featuring the same clothes, the same poses, the same washed-out, overexposed style of photography. Time for the change! The Manolo decrees: the washed-out style photos are all washed up. Color is the new black! Out = Identical style bloggers all obsessed with being part of the in crowd In = Crazy girls who throw on the clothes…
Manolo says, the Manolo loves this 19th century work, described as the “Worst (and possibly funniest) book on acting ever written. Lessons in Acting was first published in 1889 by Albert Webster Edgerly, under his customary pen-name, “Edmund Shaftesburyâ€. It’s an attempt to teach acting by someone hopelessly unqualified for the task. And it’s hilarious. And indeed it is most hilarious… RULE 31—Passionate kissing. This should never be hurried, unless many repetitions are given. The lover puts his arm (the arm nearest the lady), about her shoulders, obliquely down the back and under her arm a little higher than the…
Manolo says, the Manolo, who is increasingly becoming the cranky old man, made the mistake the few months back of subscribing to the twitter feed of the Cosmopolitan magazine. (It is like the train wreck. The Manolo cannot turn away.) Since that time, under the near constant barrage of dumb, puerile, misguided tweets from the editors, the Manolo has begun to formulate the few theories about the new Cosmo Girl, or more properly, who it is that might be subscribing to this Cosmopolitan-sized disaster. Thus… The average Cosmopolitan subscriber buys all of her underwear at Victoria’s Secret and all of…
Manolo says, already more entertaining than most episodes of ANTM; Manolo votes P’Trique through to the next round.
Manolo says, just because it does.