Magic Foot-Ensmallening Shoes from Gucci

I am not going to pretend I spend a lot of time worrying whether my feet look big. I didn’t especially worry about it before, and now that I live in Mexico where the directions to my remote beach cottage involve, “turn left on the dirt road by the big pile of rocks onto the trail that looks like you could probably drive across it and turn right just before you hit sand. If you drive into a dolphin or other surprised marine creature, you’ve gone too far” whether my big feet do, in fact, look big usually gets pushed…


Bette Slingback Platforms from Gucci For the Tuesday

It is Tuesday, and you are back at your place of employment, being gainfully employed, and for that you are thankful. Thankful….ayyy! Look at the calendar! It is already the second week of November! There is so much to do in the next two weeks. First you will have to order your free-range, humanely-dispatched, heirloom turkey from the butchers shop, you know, the shop with the hipster butchers who have the tattoos and the ironic handlebar mustaches. Yes, these young butchers, who ride home each night on their fixed-gear bicycles, are generally well-intentioned, knowledgeable about the meats, and friendly, but…


Gucci Inga Strappy Ankle Boots for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk doing that thing that you do so as to earn that money that you need. It is not that you dislike working for The Man, per se, for indeed your work is mostly not unpleasant, and the majorities of the peoples with whom you work are mostly somewhat not intolerable. Yes, there are the exceptions, co-workers whom you believe need to be fired…out of the cannon…into the ocean, such as that officious and meddlesome woman in accounting, Harmony Voldemort, a.k.a. “She Who Must Not Be CC’d in Memos.”…


Manolo’s Super Fantastic Gifts for the Men!

Manolo says, and now, please allow the Manolo to recommend the few gifts for the menfolk in your life… Above you see the Kindle electronic reader gizmo thingy from the Amazon. Frankly, the Manolo has had no personal experience with the Kindle thingy-gizmo, but, nonetheless, he is devoutly hoping that Santy Claus will bring him one, because it is cool, and he likes to read, and his shoulders hurt from carrying around the sack full of reference books and G.A Henty novels. . This chukka-ish men’s boot from the Gucci, it is swanky and yet perfectly masculine, and green! .…


Gucci Drew Patent Leather Sandals For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk and noting that the frantic scramble to reserve the annual vacation times has already nearly passed you by. Luckily, you managed to snag your customary dates of the second and third weeks of July, when you and Gary traditionally take the kids to the lake for two weeks of sunburn, poison ivy, and undercooked hamburgers. Not so lucky was Jessica, the habitually crabby lady who works two cubicles over, who when she went to put her name on the roster discovered that Jeannie the New Girl had already…


Gucci Sofia Pailettes Ankle Boots For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday, and you are back at your desk furiously burning up the internet in your Cyber Monday quest to purchase as many of the bargain-priced gifts as possible. And it is all because, this year, as God is your witness, you will not wait until the last minute to do your shopping. Still, your tendency to wait until the last minute is nothing compared to that of your brother, who famously does all of his shopping on Christmas Eve, usually after the normal stores have closed, at the Seven-Eleven or the Quik-Stop, which accounts for the…


Miscellaneous Wednesday Horrors

Manolo says, here are the few links that may perhaps appal you… Sure, it’s cold out, but getting a pedicure is still a great way to pamper yourself. I am NOT willing to believe is that these shoes are meant to be anything but a clever joke played by the designer on the rest of the foot-having world. Immediately you feel the urge to lounge! Manolo give thanks to his internet friends the Amy, the Linda, and the Wayne.


Gucci for the Blizzard

Manolo says, what better way to celebrate the Great Blizzard of the ’06 than by fantasizing about the tropical places, and the beautiful shoes you would wear there?


Boots at the Gotham City

Manolo says, it is not the secret that the Manolo likes the Gotham City Online for the boot shopping. But, shopping at the Gotham City it is the sort of shopping that requires the diligence and perseverance. For the example, this handsome, low-heel suede boot by the Gucci, it is on the sale at the Gotham City, but, sadly, it is only available in the sizes the five and the half, and the six. And so, because you are not the small footed girl, you must now go back to the board of drawing and look for the next boot,…