Manolo the Columnist: Portman from Burberry

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column from the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My best friend since grade school is getting married for the second time, in Key West, in what she’s describing as a “very informal” ceremony. I know I’m supposed to wear sandals, but I need help with this. I’m not sure which kind. Sarah Manolo says, the Manolo cannot help it, but when the Manolo hears the words “Key West wedding “ he immediately thinks “gay pirate themed,” with the Right Reverend Captain Blackbeard the Bear officiating. But, that is only the first…


The FitFlop, Part II

Manolo says, the Manolo has been hearing from many of his friends that he should take the FitFlop more seriously, that it is not the mere gimmick designed by the unscrupulous shoe trolls working on the “greater fool” theory, but the actual beneficial shoe-based magic (+2 boot of toning) produced by ancient wizards who live in the enchanted forests of Candyland. “But, Manolo, the friends say, the FitFlops are soooooo comfortable.” To which the Manolo replies, “so are the cardboard boxes filled with the goose feathers.” “But Manolo, look at the Mozimo shoe store, they have many more styles than…


Gola Classic Plimsolls

Manolo says, the Manolo loves the simple classic plimsolls from Gola, the ancient British sporting shoe company (sort of like the Converse) founded in the 1905. For the Manolo, who have been the fan of the crazy colorful hi-tech running shoes, this simple plimsoll, the Quota in classic white, is the sort of athletic shoe that will not make you . If, however, you wish to express your excitement over the birth of George, the future King of England, then this Quota with the Union Jack would be the good choice.


The FitFlop

Manolo says, many of the Manolo’s internet friends have been asking him about the supposedly very popular brand of the thong sandals. “Manolo what do you think of the FitFlop?” To which the Manolo replies: “Wah? The Flipflot?” “No, Manolo, the FitFlop.” “The FlitFlop?” “No, no, no,” says the friend of the Manolo, “The Fit, F-I-T, Flop. It’s a type of flip flop sandal that tones you up as you walk on them.” “Do not most shoes have this miraculous property,” answers the Manolo, “you walk the long distances in them and as the result you achieve the higher level…


Cherry-Fuchsia Wedge Sandals for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, slaving away for the Man, making hay for the ImEmTechCo, Inc, while the sun doth shine. Lately, however, you are coming to the realization that perhaps you are trading your salad years for the mess of corporate pottage. Yes, you have the roof over your head, and the organic food on your table, but you are finding that reporting in each morning for another spin on the hamster wheel is not as fulfilling as you had hoped it would be when you were hired, lo, these many years…


Manolo the Columnist: Katherine 3 from Isaac Mizrahi New York

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’m a brand new teacher of middle school students, so I need some comfortable, yet affordable and stylish shoes to wear to work. Please help. Lauren Manolo says, oh how the Manolo admires the young, idealistic new teachers filled with hope and the indomitable spirit. They are so eager to get into the classroom and start teaching, so convinced that the World will be theirs for asking. Unfortunately, the World has other plans for our new teacher, plans which mostly involve wrestling her…


Manolo’s Late Night Bargain: Prada Gold-Tone Logo Loafer

Manolo says, yes, this magnificent specimen of Park Avenue Prada-tude is the little bit old ladyish, but the Manolo should not have to remind you that, according to the Times of the New York, this is the year of the frump. Which means that if you cannot wear these handsome shoes now, when can you? When you are the dowager countess? And look! They are on the sale, more than $470 off of the usual price!


Manolo’s Late Night Bargain: Rupert Sanderson Ankle Bootie

Manolo says, from Hervia, comes the magnificent bargain on the Rupert Sanderson high heel ankle bootie, 70% off of the usual price. Yes, this is last season’s shoe, but look at it. Is it not beautiful in its simplicity? This shoe is the sort of shoe that will fast become the staple in any super fantastic girl’s wardrobe. It is the classic of shoe design, the versatile shoe that can be worn almost anywhere, with almost anything. Speaking of the great bargain, here is the Rupert Sanderson high heel cutout pump that is also 70% off of the usual price.…


Manolo the Columnist: Mirielle from Circus by Sam Edelman

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest post for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo When I got up this morning, the weatherman was shouting about our big heat wave, which makes me think I want to move to Juneau, Alaska, or maybe buy myself some new sandals. Please advise Lisa Manolo says, among the many things about the modern world of which the Manolo does not approve, the melodramatic hysteria of the broadcast weatherpeoples ranks just below the peoples in the seats in front of you who are texting commentary on the movie you are watching to…


Satin Stiletto Peep-Toe Pump for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, greatly ungruntled about the impending nuptials of your semi-best friend for never, the soon-to-be-thricely-married Marjorie. “Well, at least I still believe in love,” she is given to saying whenever anyone so much as hints that maybe it is time for her to give it the rest, “I’m still out there trying.” Yes, Marjorie, she is still trying, this time to the balding, 64-year-old domestic beer distributor who drives the red Corvette, has recently taken up the salsa dancing, and frequently refers to himself in the third person. “So,…


Manolo the Columnist: Dazzling from Bernardo

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, In August I am going to a three-day training workshop in Philadelphia that will be attended and taught by senior people in my field from around the country. The dress code, according the information packet, is supposed to be “casual, shorts, sneakers and sandals are appropriate.” Can you please help me interpret this? Monica Manolo says, the Admiral Manolo, standing on the bridge of his imaginary star cruiser shouts, “It is the trap!” It is the well-known fact that the “casual business attire”…


Manolo the Columnist: Zuriel from Pedro Garcia

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I took my summer vacation in June, and now that the Fourth of July has come and gone, I realize that I’ve got nothing to look forward to until Labor Day. Can you recommend some fun sandals to get me through the dog days of summer in DC? Natalie Manolo says, it is summer in the District of the Columbia, and you are now paying for all of those glorious spring days filled with the cherry blossoms and the beautiful, clement weather. As…