Satin Stiletto Peep-Toe Pump for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, greatly ungruntled about the impending nuptials of your semi-best friend for never, the soon-to-be-thricely-married Marjorie.

“Well, at least I still believe in love,” she is given to saying whenever anyone so much as hints that maybe it is time for her to give it the rest, “I’m still out there trying.”

Yes, Marjorie, she is still trying, this time to the balding, 64-year-old domestic beer distributor who drives the red Corvette, has recently taken up the salsa dancing, and frequently refers to himself in the third person.

“So, when it came to this little lady right here,” the groom-to-be said at the engagement party, pulling Marjorie close in to his Hackenlooper Budweiser polo shirt, “Ole Bob Hackenlooper vows to spare no expense,” by which he meant spending the honeymoon on the seven-day Royal Caribbean cruise to the Cancun.

Three weddings and you will have been the bridesmaid in all of them, the first time in 1988 to the infamous Todd, the second eighteen years later to James who looked like the aardvark and worked in something to do with insurance, and now this one, which is why your are unhappy, and why you are looking through DressFirst website for the reasonably priced, mostly attractive bridesmaid dresses in red.

“To match Bob’s Corvette.”

It is not the good sign, when the bride is worried about whether or not she will be able to upstage the groom’s car.

Well, at least the day is not the total loss, for you have decided that you will wear these red, satin, stiletto heel, peep-toe platform pumps no matter what happens.


Yes, they are not the most expensive shoes, but you appreciate the modest price, because you still have the last pair of Marjorie bridesmaid shoes sitting your closet. They are lime green.


Manolo the Columnist: Kork-Ease Ava

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo:

Recent events in Bangladesh have me upset. I don’t want to buy shoes made in China anymore! But are any cute shoes for work made in the US — or somewhere else where a child isn’t sewing them — anymore? This may be your greatest challenge yet, but I don’t want to turn to making my own shoes from fair-trade coffee beans or something.


Manolo says, it is true that we live in the world of the wonders, where the long distance trade fills our shops with things from the faraway lands.

Unfortunately, we know little (and perhaps wish to know even less) about the sometimes deplorable conditions under which the peoples who produce these goods labor, even as we must always remember that the inexpensiveness of the items we purchase does not absolve us of our moral duties.

Just because the thing is cheap and stylish and you wish to own it does not mean you should always buy it. Your responsibilities to others extend beyond the limits of your closet and your pocketbook.

What then is to be done? Firstly, we must buy only from those producers whom we know to be ethical. Secondly, we must work to expand the number of ethical producers worldwide.

The poor Bangledeshi ladies who make the inexpensive shifts deserve to work for reasonable wages under safe conditions. If such conditions can be achieved, then it would be fine to purchase the goods made there.

In the meantime, you may safely enjoy the retro-fun of the Kork-Ease Ava in brown, shoes that have been made in the U.S. of the A. since the 1953.

Kork-Ease Ava


Prada Crisscross Platform Sandal for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk doing that thing that you do to make that money that you need to keep you from living beneath that bridge alongside the road.

“When did it become so difficult,” you ask yourself, perhaps rhetorically, “to eke out the living?”

And then you feel sorry for yourself, because all of your first-world problems are weighing you down:

For the example, you need the new washer and dryer, because the old set is seven years old, and does not feature the latest next generation, electronic time-delay cycle technology, which means that you must physically be present to push the button that turns on the actual washing machine, instead of setting it so that the cycle starts later, thus ending when you are around to put the clothes into the dryer. Without this magical 21st Century feature, you have to be there in person when the cycle ends to immediately put the clothes into the dryer, lest they acquire that moldy smell from sitting in the washer, damp.

And frankly, this morning you find this intolerable, mainly because you are catching the strange whiff of moldiness from your hair, which you dried this morning with the towel that had sat in the washer tub much of yesterday afternoon while you were at brunch.

Meanwhile, somewhere in southeast Asia, the woman who is exactly your age, to the day, squats by the muddy brown river, beating her family’s clothing on the large rock.

And, ayyyy! Look at how toned her upper arms are!

You would have to spend many hours at the gym to get that sexy arm definition, being hectored by the blonde airhead who directs the SculptZumYogaBo class.

And this thought has made you even more dolorous.

Look! Beautiful shoes!

Prada CrissCross Platform Sandal

The leather Prada crisscross platform sandals from the Fall 2012 collection.

What Miss Plumcake is…

It’s Tuesday, time to find out What Miss Plumcake is…



Alicia + Olivia Larimore Cutout Platform for the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk, suffering from the Olympic hangover.

Originally, you had the big plans for the weekend — go to the market of the farmers, ride your bike in the park, do the laundry– but then, on the Friday night, you started watching the opening ceremony, and you were hooked. The next thing you know, you were avidly watching skeet shooting. (Oh, that Kim Rhode!)

By Sunday night it was clear that the Olympic marathon did not refer to the footrace, but to your concentrated television viewing. Indeed, you had barely turned off the tube of the boobs, sitting there in your comfortable chair in your Olympic sweat pants, the Olympic-sized bowl of snacks in one hand, the tiny American flag in the other. (How you cheered yourself hoarse at the preliminary round of the men’s beach volleyball.)

This morning, when you roused yourself from your Olympic stupor, dragged yourself into the kitchen and caught up on the overnight Olympic news. Even now, in the background of your web browser, you have open several pages of Olympic news and results, and are furiously typing the angry comment to some nitwit who thinks that the American women’s heavy 8 rowing team will not triumph.

The Manolo suggests you take the little break and look at some gold medal shoes…

Alicia+Olivia Larimore Cutout Metallic Platform Pump

Ayyyy! It is the Larimore Metallic Cutout Platform Pump from Alicia + Olivia

Tabitha Simmons Embroidered Ankle-Strap Platform

Tabitha Simmons Embroidered Ankle-Strap Platform Sandal

Manolo says, the Manolo loves this platform sandal from the brilliant Tabitha Stevens for its playful details and bold shape. But he recognizes that it is perhaps not for everyone, thus the question: Would you wear it?


Leaf Me Alone from the Charlotte Olympia

Leaf Me Alone from Charlotte Olympia

Manolo says, the Leaf Me Alone from the Charlotte Olympia is perfect for the Sunday in the park, or, perhaps, more properly, for sitting on the restaurant terrace while sipping the glass of the 2002 Cristal and looking at the park.

Alexander McQueen 3D Flower Platform Wedge

Alexander McQueen 3D Flower Platform Sandals

Manolo says, here is the pair of Alexander McQueen platform wedges with the all natural, organic-y, leather detail that pushes it out of the ordinary and into our cold, urban hearts.


Funky Shoe Friday From Finsk

Finsk Platform Sandal 116-107

Manolo asks, would you wear it?


Miu Miu Gingham Taffeta Sandals for the First Day of Summer!

Miu Miu Blue Gingham Taffeta SandalMiu Miu Red Tafetta Gingham Sandals

Manolo says, today the summer officially arrives, and what could be more summery than these ridiculously cheerful and cheerfully ridiculous taffeta gingham platform sandals from the Miu Miu?

Too often are we required to wear serious clothing that conveys importance and sobriety. Too infrequently are we free to dress in ways that are expressive of joy.

It is summer, and we need the sort of happy-silly shoe that makes both the those who wear it and those who see it worn giddy with joy. Be joyful, wear happy shoes!

Cork Platform Sandals for the Summery Fun!

Manolo says, for some reason the Manolo has the cork platform sandals on the brain this afternoon. Perhaps it is the onset of the summery weather, that causes his thoughts to turn to such things, for the cork platform sandals bespeak of the summery good times, of the sun dresses, and the iced tea, and the picnics, and the hilarious watermelon-seed-spitting contests.

And so, here are three such sandals that the Manolo finds worth the wearing…

Clare Wedge from Jack Rogers

From the preppy stalwart Jack Rogers comes the Clare Wedge, the sort of limey greenish shoe that would look good at the relaxed garden party.

Gabor Cork Wedge Sandals

There is something about the shape of the flowers on the 45.744 Wedge from Gabor that makes the Manolo happy.

Ava from Kork-Ease

And if you are having the retro-summery feelings, you will need to have Ava from Kork-Ease, for nothing says cork platform like Kork-Ease.


Manolo the Columnist: Halen from Vince Cumuto

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.

Dear Manolo:

Now that the warmer weather is here, I’d love to start wearing sandals again–unfortunately, what’s stopping me is my very unattractive bunion. I need a cute, boho-style sandal that will hide this eyesore!


Manolo says, ayyyyy, it is the attack of the bunion, the reprehensible growth that can disfigure even the most aesthetically pleasing of feets.

Indeed, one day your feets are looking so svelte and ladylike and the next, it is as if some medieval peasant has shucked off her muddy hobnailed boots and revealed to the world her monstrous deformity, the writhing, throbbing, veiny growth that promises the swallow up entire villages, leave husbands widowered, and children orphaned.

Well, perhaps the Manolo has exaggerated for the effect.

But, still, to those unfortunates who have developed the bunions it certainly feels as your briefly youthful summer as the sandal-wearing, hotty-momma has reached its end, and henceforth it will be nothing for you but the sort of sensible orthopeadic shoes favored by aging nuns and stout, middle-school PE teachers who are forced to dress up for graduation.

Again, the Manolo has exaggerated.

Actually, bunions, although painful, are not the end of the world. Many very stylish, famous young women, such as Victoria Beckham, Anne Hathaway, Katie Holmes, and the super model Iman, are be-bunnioned, without seeming to affect their ability to show their feet in public.

Here is Halen from Vince Camuto, the hotty-mamma, espadrillish, platform sandal that will cover up your shame.

Halen from Vince Camuto