Pucci for the Blue Monday
Manolo says, not only is it Monday, but the Manolo is feeling under the weather. So what better way to cheer oneself up than with the shoes of the Pucci, which as we all know, make the smiles!
Manolo says, not only is it Monday, but the Manolo is feeling under the weather. So what better way to cheer oneself up than with the shoes of the Pucci, which as we all know, make the smiles!
Manolo says, according to science! today is the most depressing day of the entire year. Dr Cliff Arnall, a Cardiff University psychologist, devised the formula that shows today is the most depressing. His equation takes into account six factors: weather, debt, time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and the feeling of a need to take action. Taken together they pinpoint today as ‘Blue Monday’. But be not afraid, dear friends, for the Manolo has been saving something spectacular for just such the situation, when the desperate circumstances called for the desperate measures… Behold…
Manolo says, sometimes, when the Manolo is feeling blue–perhaps because he is far from the comforts of his home, or because the bee has stinged, or the dog has bited–the Manolo remembers the few of his favorite things, chief among them the patterns of the Emilio Pucci. To put it simply, Pucci makes the Manolo smile.
Manolo says, here once again is the proof that Pucci makes the smiles!
Manolo says, some of the time, Pucci makes the gasps! Yes, this shoe it indeed most costly, but is it not also most beautiful?
Manolo says, whenever the Manolo finds that he is in need of the good cheer he has only to look at the shoes such as this, for as we know, Pucci makes the smiles!
Manolo says, the Manolo’s latest column in the Express of the Washington Post it is available for the download at their website. Sadly, because of the space requirements, the column it had to be cut from its original glory, which the Manolo now presents here for your delection. Dear Manolo, I really need colorful, pointy flat shoes. I have an ankle problem and I can’t wear heels at all, not even a kitten heel, and I’m tired of black flats. Please help! Sara Manolo says, the pain in the ankles and feets, this it is nothing new, as the problems…
Manolo says, it is Monday and perhaps you are blue in the dumps because it is back to the work, where the “man” he will now make your life unpleasant. In this case, you must do what the Manolo does when he needs the up cheering, look at the shoes! Remember, Pucci makes the smiles!
Manolo says, here you see the most unusual sort of the shoe from the Pucci, something perhaps understated, something not with the usual festive patterns of the Pucci. This it would be perfect for wearing with the deep brown suede skirt on the first cool afternoon of the early fall. (Yes, it is still the summer, but the newly arrived shoes of autumn they beckon to the Manolo.)
Manolo says, the Manolo he woke up this morning feeling the need for something outrageous and happy-making. He could think of only one thing….Pucci!
Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question. I’m looking for shoes to wear this summer/spring, and adore the light, flirty sandals that many designers have created. Here’s the bad news: I’m a dancer, and while my feet look fine (thank goodness) my toes are a mess! After all of these years of dancing, they’re crooked, scarred, and some of my toenails are rather ugly from all the damage they get… Are there any pretty, flirty, and above all, stylish shoes for this spring/summer that don’t show toes or show very little? I’m…
Manolo says, the Manolo he does not need the reason to display the shoes from the Pucci, other than the joy of the picture.