What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… Typing on… Normally, the Manolo is not the gadget person, someone who must each week rush out and obtain the latest piece of technological gimcrackery, however, many of the Manolo’s friends have been recommending the tiny little mini-computer, the Asus Eee PC as being suitable for the boulevardier blogger such as the Manolo. “It is light and small and can be easily fitted into your man bag,” said one helpful friend. “The Manolo does not have the ‘man bag’. It is the Swaine Adeney…


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching What can one say about Lacombe, Lucien except that it is the magnificent and magnificently troubling small masterpiece.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listenting to… Watching… The Manolo loved the first half of Be Kind, Rewind. It was innovative, anarchic, unexpected, and hilarious, nearly every detail made the Manolo laugh. Sadly, the second half of the movie was maudlin, sentimental, slack, and drippy, and it left the Manolo wondering if the movie had been put together by two different peoples.


What the Manolo is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… Sadly, after watching Dr. Zhivago for the first time in many years, the Manolo concludes that it is the exceedingly beautiful movie, but also ponderous and ultimately unconvincing. Laying aside the ridiculousness of the plot, and the sudden and inexplicable manner in which various characters act in ways that are contrary to their essence, the biggest fault is that Omar Sharif, although dreamily handsome, is strangely inert. His standard response to any complication or problem is bewilderment, the charming little half-smile and cocked head…


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… The Manolo found this Juno movie to be exceptionally annoying, more than the little manipulative, and yet also somewhat moving. The worst and falsest part of this movie was the first ten minutes, in which the Office man pretended to be the sharp-tongued pharmacist who engaged in the witty banter about pregnancy tests with the precociously annoying Juno. Note to the budding screenwriters: please, keep this sort of thing to yourself. The Manolo does not require more ironically ironic irony to be piled onto…


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… Ayyyy! The dogs, they are so beautiful, and the shoes of the handlers, they are so hideous!


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, times to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… Based upon Andrew Morton’s new biography of Tom Cruise the most charitable thing the Manolo can say is that Tom Cruise is well-intentioned. Although he is also so self-absorbed, callow, solipsistic, and ignorant as to seem very unpleasant indeed. But, in his favor, the same could probably be said of most major movie stars.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to…


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, and after the long break, it is again time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… All the Manolo can say about the new Sweeny Todd, with the magnificent Johnny Depp, is that it is the masterpiece, the mad, misanthropic, repellent, gruesome masterpiece. In recent years, the Manolo had grown quite weary of Tim Burton and his whimsical, Addams-Family-style schtick, but this movie is on the entirely different level. There is the undeniably malignant artistic vision at the heart of this movie that goes far beyond the usual winking and ironic stage…


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… Simply put, Ratatouille, (which is now available on the DVD, and which the Manolo has purchased) is the best movie the Manolo has seen all year.


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Listening to… Watching… The Manolo has become like stalkerish uber-fan Mel, in that he cannot stop watching the Flight of the Conchords. He keeps playing the DVD over and over, laughing each time at the same bits. Truly it is the most entertaining thing the Manolo has seen in many years. All hail, Bret and Jemaine!


What the Manolo Is…

Manolo says, it is Tuesday, time to see what the Manolo is… Reading… Watching… Listening to… The Manolo must admit that he came away from the American Gangster movie dissatisfied and more the little disappointed. The first and most prominent problem is that not for the single instant did the Manolo buy that Russell Crowe (of whom the Manolo is the giant, huge fan) was the tough Jewish street cop from New Jersey. Firstly, his accent was terrible, nearly as bad as the “southern” accents of Nicole Kidman and Jude Law in Cold Mountain. And secondly he just did not…