Manolo the Columnist: Prance from Donald J. Pliner

Manolo says, here is the recent column of the Manolo from the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Recently, I’ve seen a lot of young women wearing flannel shirts and short lace-up boots. I love this casual look. Do you think that a woman of a certain age (me, in this case) would be able to carry this off? Amy Manolo says, it is true what the Manolo has long said, that the beautiful young peoples would look good in the Gareth Pugh burlap sacks and the Birkenstocks (which is indeed the recent trend). This is the one of…


Manolo the Columnist: Classic Wellingtons from Hunter

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s most recent column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, With the arrival of fall, I find I need some new rain boots for my weekend outings in the country. What do you recommend? Alison Manolo says, there is nothing more satisfying than going out in to the world properly shod, which is why the God invented the shoe closet, because the properly dressed person of style needs many, many shoes for the many, many different occasions and conditions. By the Manolo’s estimate, the well-dressed lady needs at the least 237 different…


Manolo the Columnist: Vino from Elizabeth and James

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, A recent promotion has convinced me that I need to upgrade my professional wardrobe. The problem, however, is that I have no sense of style. My parents were hippies (sort of) and I find most of the stuff I see in fashion magazines ridiculous. Please help. Stephanie Manolo says, much more difficult than developing the distinctively personal fashion style is developing the distinctively personal fashion style that is suitable for the place of employment. For the example, the jet black, asymmetrical, knee-length, leather…


Manolo the Columnist: Loden from 10 Crosby Derek Lam

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Thanks to Congress and the President, starting this week, I have a lot free time on my hands. I’ve decided to go shoe shopping. I especially need new tall boots for fall. What do you recommend? Amy Manolo says, Ayyyy! To listen to the congress peoples shouting about the government “shutdown”, it is as if the mega-major-super disaster had struck the nation, such as the tsunami, or the big earthquake, or that the volcano had violently erupted in the courtyard of the Smithsonian,…


Manolo the Columnist: Alicia from Aquatalia by Marvin K

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Thanks to my job, I’m on the road three weeks out of every four, logging hundreds of thousands of frequent flier miles every year. Worse, I’m in the unenviable position of often having to go straight from the airport into a meeting with a client. Please recommend some shoes that will see me through this ordeal. Kathryn Manolo says, call the Manolo old fashionedishy, but the Manolo believes all the business travel should be done exclusively by the locomotive and steamship. Was the…


Manolo the Columnist: Lover from Fluevog

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My brother’s first cousin, a lovely and quirky woman, is getting married in a “steampunk wedding” (the invitation looked like a P.T. Barnum broadside). We’ve been encouraged to “dress in the spirit of the occasion”. Please help. Marissa Manolo says, the Manolo is of the two minds about the “theme” weddings. On the one of the hands, if the simple and heartfelt ceremony featuring the groom in his best suit, and the bride in the tea-length gown of modest cut was good enough…


Manolo the Columnist: Borders from Rachel Comey

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’m turning thirty the first week in October and my sister has booked an all day trip aboard a double-decker sightseeing bus for my family and I to celebrate the occasion. I normally live in sneakers but since I will be wearing a dress, I’ll need something that’s comfy yet durable with a feminine edge to it. Any suggestions? Elizabeth Manolo says, ayyyy! Thirty is the new fifteen! Time to put on the party dress and the big girl, grown up shoes for…


Manolo the Columnist: Ambre from Mephisto

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, My husband and I are planning a trip to San Francisco and Sonoma County in late September. Between the must-see attractions in San Francisco and all of the wineries and breweries we’ll be visiting, I know we’ll be doing a lot of walking – can you recommend a comfortable shoe for the trip? Sarah Manolo says, the Manolo cannot tell you how many questions he receives from the peoples who are travelling to the California to partake of the many and varied delights…


Manolo the Columnist: Sable from Belle by Sigerson Morrison

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column from the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, I’ve just read that all the cool kids are wearing Birkenstocks again. Is it wrong that I’m tempted to join them? Please advise. Debra Manolo says, this where the Manolo wishes that his computer keyboard had the Grumpy Cat key, which he could push whenever he needed the strongly worded “NO!” to appear on the page. Unfortunately, his computing machine does not have this very useful function, and thus he will have to make his opinions known by plain metaphor: The Birkenstocks are…


Manolo the Columnist: Scarlet from Isabel Marant

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, Let us pretend for a brief moment that money is no object for me. What would you recommend in the way of ultra-chic booties for the fall? Nan Manolo says, oh to live in the world where the money is not the object! Where every morning you could be gently awakened by your ladies maid, O’Brien, Ph.D., quietly clearing her throat as she puts the diamond-encrusted tray containing the civet cat coffee from your hillside estate in Sulawesi down onto the solid platinum…


Manolo the Columnist: Mannie from Kate Spade New York

Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post. Dear Manolo, With fall fast approaching, I’ve begun to think about what I’m going to wear, specifically, I need a pair of fun boots for the weekends. Please recommend something. Doretta Manolo says, it is never too early to think about what to wear for the coming season, or the coming year, or even the coming decade. Indeed, thinking about what to wear in the distant future is one of the Manolo’s favorite hobbies, right next to reading the frivolous novels and taking the long…


What to Wear if You are the Man: Desert Boots

Manolo says, since the Manolo has come out strongly against the Keen sports mandals, what then should the , sporty man of the age of the middle be wearing when he is not ‘shredding it with his homies’?” What else? The desert boot, also know as the chukka boot. This is the Branch from Base London, the smart-looking, leather dessert boot that will not only cover your man toes, but make you look like the respectable adult human, rather than the over-grown-adolescent couch surfer. Here is one more choice… This is the Gobi from Ikon, in the olive suede that…