The Manolo has Returned!

Manolo says, but now the question is, did you miss the Manolo?



Manolo say, ayyyy! The Manolosphere crashed this afternoon! And for several hours all of the Manolo’s various blogs were unavailable to be read by the Manolo’s many internet friends.

Many and profuse apologies for this inconvenience. The Manolo’s web-hosting peoples assure him that it is all fixed now.


Manolo in the News

Manolo says, the Manolo has been mentioned in the traditional press several times over the past few days.

Today, in the International Herald Tribune, in the article entitled Flashy and tailor-made: rag trade blogs, the Manolo is briefly mentioned.

He is also been name-checked in the pieces in the Burlingame Daily News and the New Delhi Times newspaper.


Weekend Blogging

Manolo says, those of the Manolo friend’s who have been the long time readers of the Manolo for the Brides may remember the wonderfully amusing blogger, Twistie, who substituted for the Never teh Bride while she was away becoming the Bride.

Well, the Manolo has invited the Twistie to become the official Weekend Blogger of the Manolo, and she has already put up her first post at the Manolo for the Brides, the marvelous piece with the title of When Wedding Disasters Strike. Here is the excerpt.

I’ve heard many old saws and superstitions about weddings over the years, but only one has held absolutely true at every wedding I’ve attended in more than forty years: something always goes wrong.

It may be large, it may be small, but it will happen.

Rings get lost, the wrong flowers or cake get delivered, someone loses or rips a piece of wedding finery, vendors fail to come through, it rains when the happy couple have no plan b for weather, personal grudges between guests lead to small acts of violence…and the list goes on.

But this is not all, the Twistie will also be weekend blogging at the Manolo for the Big Girl, and has begun there with the provocative article entitled, Death to the Little Black Dress.

I’m short. I’m fat. My feet are shaped like cubes. I am concentrated. There’s a lot of me packed into 5’2”. I have opinions and find them to be very true. I’m curious. I’m interested in the world around me. I’m comfortable in my own skin at long last in my mid forties. The child in me has never completely grown up, and I’d hate to think she ever would. I will do my best to share with you good advice, interesting facts and trivia, my quirky humor, and the beauty that is waiting to be seen in your own mirror.

You go, girlfriend!

And now the Manolo has Mr. Henry, Isidore Gallant, Never teh Bride, Plumcake, Francesca, Glinda, raincoaster, and Twistie; all of them funny, all of them smart, all of them super fantastic writers of ability and verve.

The Manolo sincerely believes that he has the best group of fashion and lifestyle bloggers on the whole internet. But, go judge for yourselves, visit these blogs and read what has been written there.

By the way, next week, on Tuesday, the Manolo’s group of fashion and lifestyle blogs will grow by one, and his group of writers will grow by one, with the addition of one of the funniest peoples on the internet, someone whose own blog was one of the Manolo’s all time favorites, but who has graciously consented to join the Manolo for the betterment of all mankind.

But the Manolo will save that surprise for next week, in the meantime, go read the postings of the Twistie, you will enjoy them.

Teeny Manolo!

Manolo says, once again, the Manolo’s modest empire of fashion and lifestyle blogs has expanded, this time to encompass the new blog devoted to all matters childish and child-rearingish, yes, it is time to introduce you to…

Teeny Manolo!

As always, the Manolo is certain that this will become one of your bookmarked, regular stops on the internet, for the two bloggers he has asked to help him at this blog are unusually funny and smart writers, the sort of peoples you will want to read daily. Naturally, they also share the Manolo’s Philosophy of the Super Fantastic.

And so now you must go and read this new blog.


Manolo on the Go

Manolo says, many apologies for the scarcity of the posting this week. The Manolo is yet again in motion. This week he will be travelling to Salt Lake City. If any of the Manolo’s friends have any suggestions as to where the Posse Manolo should dine and shop, the Manolo would consider it the great kindness.


Manolo on the Go

Manolo says, if you have perhaps been wondering why the postings of the Manolo have been so slow this week, it is because the peregrinations of the Manolo have taken him up the coast of California, through the Big Sur, and into the most beautiful, if somewhat twee town of Carmel-by-the-Seaside.

Naturally, the Posse Manolo (the abbreviated version) did many Carmel touristy things, which included, but was not limited to, the visit to the Mission, the tea at the Tuck Box, and the shopping rampage through the tree-lined streets.

This morning, the Manolo finds himself in San Francisco, where he will be for the next two or three days, visiting with the friends, and doing what the Manolo does in beautiful and vibrant cities filled with restaurants and shops.


The Help Wanted Update

Manolo says, the Manolo reminds you that he is accepting applications for the two positions at proposed Teeny Manolo blog, the website which will be devoted to the childrens clothes, celebrity babies, and all matters associated with being the parent.

Naturally, the Manolo is looking for peoples who have interesting things to say on the above topics, and can say them in the most entertaining way possible. If you believe this is you, please send the Manolo the note together with the samples of your writings.


The Unfortunate Error of the Manolo

Manolo says, all this afternoon the Manolo has been hearing from his internet friends, and from the readers of his column in the Express of the Washington Post, alerting the Manolo to the unfortunate use of the word “kaffir”, which appears as the name of the shoes he recommended.

This letter from the Manolo’s reader Matthews M. is not untypical.

Dear Manolo

I refer to your article in today’s Express, p E3 where you refer to the icon look – kaffir.

You did not name the shoe. Did you know that the word “kaffir” in South Africa is as derogatory as the “N” word is in the US?

Sadly, the Manolo did not know the full extent of the hurtful vulgarity of this word. You may be assured that if he had known he would not have recommended this shoe, indeed, he would have recommended the entirely different designer.

The Manolo must now ask for your forgiveness, and hope that you, his dear readers, will not allow this unfortunate error to stand between us.


The Help Wanted

Manolo says, with the happy arrival this week of the Manolo’s new blog, Manolo for the Big Girl, and with the quiet promise of near-future arrival the new Manolo-based celebrity blog, Ayyyy!, you will have noticed that the online world of the Manolo is in the period of expansion.

Indeed, it should be obvious to all that the Manolo is in the process of building the small network of the high-quality, writer-driven fashion and lifestyle blogs.

The Manolo hopes you will also have noticed that all of the people who blog for the Manolo are exceptionally good writers, people who have interesting things to say, and say them with humor and confidence. This is by design, as the Manolo believes it is the quality of his writers that distinguishes his network from others on the internet.

And so now the Manolo is again seeking two bloggers who have the unique and entertaining authorial voices for his next project, Teeny Manolo, the Manolo’s version of the Mommy Blog.

If you have the strong interest in children’s clothing and accessories, celebrity babies, and parenting issues, and if you have the strong writing ability, and the unusual and original perspective, please send the Manolo the email outlining for him your qualifications. Be sure to include the brief samples of your writings and/or links to your bloggings.

As the Manolo hopes to start this blog in the third week of August (just in time for the back-to-school season), please try to send your application by August 10th.

Finally, the Manolo notes that this it is the paid position. Not well paid, nor anywhere near the full time, but there is the potential to perhaps make more, and the exposure may be beneficial to the freelance writer.


Manolo for the Big Girl!

Manolo says, many and profuse apologies for the paucity of the posting today. The Manolo has been working diligently this morning on several projects, projects which when they are unveiled will delight and amaze you.

But, most of all, the Manolo was preparing to show you this….

Manolo for the Big Girl

Yes, the Manolo has this day officially launched the Manolo for the Big Girl blog, where you will find “fashion, lifestyle, and humor for the plus-sized woman”.

The Manolo hopes that this will become one of your regular internet stops, for the two bloggers he has asked to help him at this blog are wonderfully entertaining and funny writers. And, best of all, they share the Manolo’s belief that anyone can achieve super fantasticness.

Go there now and be introduced to this new blog.



Manolo says, Ayyyy!