Diego Dolcini Tie-Ankle Cutout For the Monday

Manolo says, it is Monday and you are back at your desk wishing you could be outside where the weather has turned seasonably vernal.

Outside, the bees are pollinating, the flowers flowerating, and the birds bird-a-mating, and you yearn to be with them, enjoying this green day.

The color of April is green, in the hundred thousand shades, dotted with the reds, and yellows, blues, and purples of the flowers that spring from the earth like the happy child leaping into your arms.

Inside, however, spring can gain no purchase in the land of eternal beige. It was beige in the fall when the season was orange and brown; beige in the worst of winter, when the land was brilliant with snow; and beige it will be still, when this season of life ends.

But you are not beige. You are green and red and purple and yellow, and your technicolor soul rebels against the tyranny of beige! You want to race outside, strip off your clothing, and roll around in the season!

But you cannot. This is the time of the crunch at your work, and you really need the job because the orthodontist is threatening to repossess your child’s teeth if his bill is not paid by the end of the month.

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they file not TPS reports, nor toady the district manager. And yet, the Manolo saith unto you, Angelina Jolie in all her glory was not arrayed like one of these…

Diego Dolcini Tie-Ankle Cutout Pump

The Tie-Ankle Cutout Pump from Diego Dolcini.

Have faith, dear friends, have faith.