Manolo says, Ayyyy! Jennifer Lopez, when you are in love the whole world is your speculum.
Manolo says, Ayyyy! Jennifer Lopez, when you are in love the whole world is your speculum.
Manolo says, what bothers the Manolo here is not that Carrie Bradshaw is the older bride, but that this gown emphasizes how Sarah Jessica Parker has exercised herself into the haggard state. She appears desiccated, as if all of the life and youth have been wrung out of her.
The result is pathetic and faintly tragic.
Manolo says, here is the Manolo’s latest column for the Express of the Washington Post.
Dear Manolo,
I’m going to Paris soon, and because I am no longer the tireless young woman I was when I last visited, I’ll need good shoes. Are there super fantastic shoes for days and days of walking? I’d even settle for semi-fantastic.
Manolo says, this story is so common: many years ago, when you were young and lithe, you cavorted about Europe in high-heeled mary janes and bright red stilettos, your youthful feets able to quickly recover from whatever indignities you inflicted upon them.
Now, thanks to Father Time, you walk down the block at lunchtime to get your customary tuna hoagie, Snapple, and lottery ticket and your feets curse you.
“Ayyyyy!” they scream, “You are killing us with your addiction to the Powerball Pick-Six! You should be satisfied with the office football pool and something from the vending machine, you harridan.”
And, now you are not looking forward to when you will announce to them your plans for the walking tour of the Seventh Arrondissement.
But, fear not, for the Manolo now suggests to you the AAA from the Donald Pliner in the black silk elastic. This is the good basic shoe, one that is said to be exceedingly comfortable and yet would look very stylish with the pants.