The Wisdom of the Manolo

Hasslehoff Junior RaglanThe Lagerfeld Jr. Raglan

Manolo says, the Manolo he reminds you that the wit and the wisdom of the Manolo it is available on the t-shirts at the Manolo’s Super Fantastic Shoppe.


The Manolo’s Super Fantastic Newsletter

Manolo says, the next issue of the Manolo’s Super Fantastic Newsletter it is almost ready to be sent out the Manolo’s many internet friends. It certain to be filled with much Manolo-based goodness.

If you have not yet subscribed for this please click here to do so.


The Flaneur

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.

Manolo,inquiring minds want to know?

How the heck do you find time to read two books a week and watch a video or two? i work 8-5 m-f. and last year i vowed to read a book a week for a year. It was great, but i had time to do nothing else on my free time, but read. And i still fell 4 or 5 books short of my goal. it is impressive this list every week, especially because it is not necessarily a list for the weak-minded reader. You are a man of the heavy book. Can you impart your wisdom on how you balance the blog, the job, and the reading and entertainment in the 21st century?



The Manolo’s Favorites

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.

Manolo darling, I love your blog, but I must know, which is your favorite blog entry?

For the Manolo this it is like the mother asked to pick the favorite child; the Manolo he loves all of them equally, except perhaps for the few he would prefer to abandon in the parking lot of the Wal-Mart.

However, since the Manolo he cannot name the single post, he will offer six bloggings that he believes captures the best of his witticisms with the pictures of the celebrities.

1. The Choice of the Peoples, Part 2

2. Tyrannosaurus Elton

3. My Name is Tommy and I Have a Torch

4. Too Much Bronzer

5. The Apotheosis

6. Say Mister

Since this post, it is now shamelessly about the Manolo, here is the link to the interview the Manolo he did with his friend the Kim the couple of the months ago.

Manolo’s Advertisers

Manolo says, the Manolo he must give the shout out of gratitude for two of the Manolo’s advertisers, there on the right of this page.

The first, it is the artist Dee Adams, whose minimalist work and decorative sensibility the Manolo adores. You must go to the DeeDee9:14’s website and look at her art and buy the many pieces.

The second it is the new shopping blog from the U.K. called the Closet Spy. The Manolo he had already linked to this most entertaining and professional blog even before they had decided to become the advertisers on the Manolo’s humble blog. So, as with the art of the DeeDee, the Manolo he is quite happy to recommend them to you.


Hello to the Visitors!

Manolo says, hello to the new visitors of the today!

If this it is your first visit to the humble shoe blog of the Manolo, be certain to look at the many things the Manolo he as assembled for your enjoyment.

First you must know that the Shoe Blog, it is not the only blog of the Manolo. There is also the Manolo for the Men, Manolo for the Brides, and Manolo’s Prada Blog, the blogs in which the Manolo he treats other facets of fashion, style, etiquette, and life.

You must also visit the Manolo’s monument to the bad shoes, The Gallery of the Horrors. Perhaps, you may also wish to sign up for the Manolo’s Super Fantastic Newsletter.

And finally do not forget the Manolo’s Shoppe, where the wit and the wisdom of the Manolo it may be purchased on the t-shirts and the mugs and the postcards.

Many thanks for the visiting!


The E-Mails of the Manolo

Manolo says, if you have recently e-mailed the Manolo asking the question, or giving the comment, please forgive him if he has not responded in the most timely manner. The Manolo he now is receiving many dozens of the emails each of the days, and although he strives mightily to respond to each personally, it is the humbling task to try to do so promptly.

Many thanks for your patience in this matter, and please do not stop sending the emails as the Manolo he loves to read them.

The Wisdom of the Manolo

Manolo says, beacause many of the Manolo’s internet friends they are the recent first-time visitors, the Manolo he would like to say that the wit and the wisdom of the Manolo they are available for the purchase on the t-shirts and the mugs.

Perhaps, one of these, they would be to your taste.

Please, Lord, let the poncho die.

Help rid the world of this pernicious evil.

Celebrate the gift of the Hasselhoff!

The entire collection, it may be viewed at this place.


The Advertisers of the Manolo

Manolo says, as always the Manolo he must thank the people who advertise on this blog. He is especially thankful for the Blogads, as the work they are doing, it is important in the support of the bloggers and the blogosphere.

And the Manolo he must give the special shout out to the Laundry Spa, a business of genius for those of us who value both the proper cleaning of the clothes and the convienience. In the opinion of the Manolo they should be patronized not just because they support many good blogs with their dollars of the advertising, but also because they have the excellent idea and the excellent service.

The Manolo he is the Famoso!

Manolo says, Ayyyy! The Inquirer of the Philadelphia it has done the whole article on the Manolo! Here take the look at the part of it.

It began inauspiciously with an Internet posting at 2:02 a.m. on Oct. 16:

“Manolo say sound the fanfare! Shoe blogging begins!”

So was launched the journey to stardom of the mysterious Manolo, who riffs in a wacky Eurotrash patois about celebrities and stiletto heels on Manolo’s Shoe Blog, at

His arrival as a buzzworthy blogger may signal the start of the next big blog trend. Just as pundit bloggers emerged during the presidential campaign, and military bloggers on Middle East battlefields, marketing bloggers seem poised for prominence as the economy improves.

Manolo, he is already there.

In mere weeks his voice, with its Ivana Trump cadences and lounge lizard charm, broke through the blogosphere, where an estimated eight million blogs compete for attention.

In the general, the Manolo he found this article most gratifying and most fair, although he must complain that the woman who wrote it, the Beth Gillin, she failed to mention the central, salient fact about the Manolo and his blogs, that Manolo Loves the Shoes! (and, of the course, the fashion.)

In the stead, she focused on the commercial aspirations of the Manolo, and his acknowledged position as the God of the Blog Marketing.

Yes, the Manolo he loves the capitalism, but he also loves the shoes and the fashion. And in America do we not celebrate the people who can follow their bliss while making the buck or two?

The Manolo he does not hide what he does in this place. He tells the joke or two, he bloviates on the fashion, he gently mocks the celebrities, and he recommends the shoes and the clothes that are worth the wearing. He is like the personal shopper who is also an amusing friend.

But enough of this! You must go read the article for yourself.


Manolo’s Super Fantastic Newsletter!

Manolo says, it has been the long time in the coming, but the Manolo he has just sent out the second issue of his Super Fantastic Newsletter.

Unfortunately, thanks to the technical incompetence of the Manolo, he also sent out a copy of the first issue of the newsletter to some of the peoples. Please forgive him if this it has happened to you.

There is still time to sign up for the mailing list, or to confirm your subscription to the list, as the Manolo he will remail the second issue of the newsletter again tomorrow to those who have missed this opportunity to receive this most valuable resource.

To sign up, please go to this website here.

Of the course, the Manolo he would never sell or reveal your email address, or your most personal information, not even the size of your shoe.


The New Version of the Blog!

Manolo says, welcome to the new version of the Manolo’s Shoe Blogs! Where the Manolo still loves the shoes!

Be certain to change your blogrolls or bookmark this new address: .

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!