
Manolo says, Malkovich is pensive! Again!


Shopping for the Shoes in España

Manolo says, one of the Manolo’s many internet friends has asked the Manolo the question.

Hi Manolo!

I am traveling to Spain in a month and I long to purchase some fabulous footwear while I am there. I’m wondering if you have any designers to watch, locales I should be sure to visit, or tips on what to look for? Thanks for your worldly wisdom!


For the best shoe shopping in España, one must go to the old barrio of the Manolo, La Chueca, specifically to the Calle Augusto Figueroa street where there are many stores selling the many super fantastic shoes at the most bargain prices.

Trust the Manolo, the visit to the shoe stores on the Calle Augusto Figueroa it will save the dedicated shopper many dozens of the Euros.

Of the course, after the shopping, you must cross to the other side of the Plaza Chueca, and refresh yourself with the caña at the marvelously antique Bodega de Angel Sierra, or perhaps if you are peckish, turn the corner and go up the Calle Libertad street to the Bocaito, where you will find the best tapas in all of Madrid (be certain to have the trucha ahumada). And then there is the La Bardemcilla, for the spotting of the Spanish celebrities, or perhaps if you are one who is in need of the intercession, the visit to the bones of the San Valentin.

Ayyyyy! You have made the Manolo homesick thinking about that which he is missing.